Dental Care

What Types of Dentures Are There?

What Types of Dentures Are There?

Missing teeth not only make you lose your confidence, but they can also affect your normal day-to-day living, such as eating, communicating and more. Plus, it causes physical issues with your remaining teeth moving around the gaps and spaces created by the missing teeth. A denture is a removable solution for lost or extracted teeth.  …

Can You Actually Whiten Your Teeth at Home?

Can You Actually Whiten Your Teeth at Home?

Nothing can draw attention like a bright smile. It’s your best accessory! That’s why you want to take care of your teeth and keep them white. When it comes to teeth whitening, a session at your dentist’s office is the best option. However, if you’re on a budget, some at-home solutions could do the trick!…

Eating For Healthier Teeth

Eating For Healthier Teeth

We all know that good dental hygiene is vital to look after your teeth. However, your diet can also play a huge role in your oral care routine and can actually be the deciding factor for how often you visit the dentist. The more sugar you have in your diet, the more susceptible you are…

Is Tooth Extraction Painful?

Is Tooth Extraction Painful?

Nobody ever likes getting their teeth pulled. But sometimes, it is the only option left to restore and maintain one’s oral health. A dentist will only ever recommend a tooth extraction in situations where your teeth are either overcrowded or so overly damaged that there is no safer alternative left. However, you can rest assured…

What is a dental emergency?

What is a dental emergency?

Ever had a tooth-related problem and wondered how to deal with it? Well, the first step towards identifying a dental emergency is to know exactly what qualifies as one. Any sort of injury sustained to the mouth or teeth, resulting in toothaches, swelling or infections can be deemed a dental emergency. Types of Emergencies &…

How can I reduce my costs for dental care?

How can I reduce my costs for dental care?

Having second thoughts on dental work because of the cost? Getting early treatment is essential to avoid more serious and expensive dental procedures later. But with the current dental care cost in Australia and the limited Medicare coverage, we understand why it’s such a dilemma for many. Luckily, there are ways to save a few…

Why do we need regular dental visits?

Why do we need regular dental visits?

Have you ever taken a bite of delicious ice cream only to be distracted from your favourite flavour by a sharp pain in your teeth? Perhaps you feel self conscious about your smile? These and many more reasons are why regular dental visits and dental care are important for everyone. 5 Reasons to Regularly See…