Blog – 2 Column

Got Acne? Clear Things Up a Bit With These 5 Tips

Got Acne? Clear Things Up a Bit With These 5 Tips

To some, acne may feel like a minor blemish on the overall face of life. However, if you’re in the thick of it, acne can impact your confidence and wellbeing—especially in adolescence. Acne can make us feel insecure about our appearance, which can deter us from being social and making connections. When we avoid social…

Does Shag Make You Sneeze? Try These Hypoallergenic Rugs Instead

Does Shag Make You Sneeze? Try These Hypoallergenic Rugs Instead

Nobody wants to deal with allergies in their own home. At the end of a long day, you need to be confident that you can feel fully relaxed and comfortable within your space. Unfortunately, for those who are sensitive to things like dust, pollen and mould spores, it can be hard to avoid triggers. This…

Curb Those Sneaky Cravings With These Snacking Alternatives

Curb Those Sneaky Cravings With These Snacking Alternatives

Consider yourself an expert snacker? For many of us, snacking is a habit that can never be broken—but this doesn’t have to be a bad thing. In fact, when approached with mindfulness, snacking can actually be a positive addition to your diet. The key to healthy snacking lies in making conscious choices and opting for…

Grab Your Bathers & Get Ready for These Fun Water Sports!

Grab Your Bathers & Get Ready for These Fun Water Sports!

If you’ve never engaged in water sports, you’re missing out on some truly fun, thrilling and relaxing experiences. Water sports are a wonderful way to immerse yourself in the natural beauty of aquatic environments, all while enjoying the rush of physical activity. There’s a huge range of water sports to choose from, including relaxing practices…

What Does a Healthy Iron Level Look Like?

What Does a Healthy Iron Level Look Like?

We often hear the word ‘iron’ thrown around in discussions about physical health without really knowing what it means. In fact, people frequently underestimate just how important it is to have a healthy iron level. This can have various consequences and oftentimes leaves us with symptoms we don’t know how to diagnose. We might have…

Walking Your Way To Better Health: How Hiking Can Be a Great Entry Point to Fitness

Walking Your Way To Better Health: How Hiking Can Be a Great Entry Point to Fitness

Establishing a fitness routine can be intimidating, especially if you haven’t exercised regularly in a long time. It can be easy to convince ourselves that it’s too late to get fit, or that we’ll never be able to maintain that healthy, consistent routine. If you feel nervous or self-conscious about jumping into fitness, consider hiking….

Sensitive Skincare Products: How Effective Are They?

Sensitive Skincare Products: How Effective Are They?

Are you plagued with painful, itchy skin? Do you ever discover dry or swollen patches of skin, or find yourself breaking out in rashes? If yes, then you probably have sensitive skin. This is a condition that, according to surveys, affects around 50% of women and 40% of men. While there are some common symptoms,…

How Often Should You Get a Dental Checkup and Clean?

How Often Should You Get a Dental Checkup and Clean?

Many people underestimate the importance of regular dental checkups and cleanings. Among all the personal errands and obligations we have to remember, a dentist appointment is probably going to be low on our priority list. However, it is crucial to understand that routine dental care is a key component of maintaining optimal oral health. While…