5 Quick Hacks To Remove Those Obstacles & Keep Things Moving

Despite all the benefits associated with completing regular exercise, a lot of people really struggle to stick to a workout regime. Establishing and keeping a fitness routine can be difficult for many reasons, but you may find the largest obstacle to be an accumulation of several small inconveniences or frustrations. For example, you may find yourself in a situation where you’re reluctant to get changed, pack the car or follow through with the same routine you always do. Fortunately, there are some quick and easy hacks that can help you overcome these obstacles. With tricks like these under your belt, you can prepare yourself for any mental block that might threaten to jeopardise your exercise goals.

1. Try Something New

When we stick to a stringent workout routine, we can sometimes get discouraged by the monotony of what we’re doing. Completing the same exercises in the same sequence might work for some, but for others, it makes exercise feel dull and unfulfilling. In order to overcome the idea that exercise is boring, why not try something new? This could take the form of a new workout, an interaction with a new piece of gym equipment, or even a new sport. Engaging in sports you’ve never played before can make exercise feel effortless and fun, especially if it’s a team or group activity. Combining physical activity with a social outlet is a great way to shake things up and stay motivated.

2. Find a Fitness Buddy

As well as joining a sports team, finding a fitness buddy is a great way to make exercise more social. Knowing that you get to spend some time with a friend makes going to the gym or completing that morning run much easier. Having a fitness buddy is also helpful when it comes to meeting goals because it means you have someone else to keep you accountable. Whenever you lack motivation, this friend can help you out of that mindset and get you back on track. In turn, you can offer this service to your friend, and both of you will ideally develop the habit of motivating and supporting one another.

3. Have Equipment & Workout Gear Ready To Go

Sometimes, the biggest hurdle between you and exercise is just getting out the door. It can be extremely difficult to wake up early for work, get off the couch, or leave the comfort of home on a Sunday afternoon. Fortunately, there are a few easy hacks that can make the process much easier. For example, laying your exercise clothes out the night before going to the gym can be really effective. You can also store your exercise or sports equipment in the car, rather than in the cupboard, keeping expensive equipment safe with solutions from Ute Covers Direct. This technique saves you the effort of packing the car every time you want to exercise and ultimately assists you in getting your workout session started.

4. Don’t Push Yourself Too Hard

While pushing yourself is often effective, be careful not to be too hard on yourself—particularly if you’re fairly new to regular exercise. Having goals is a fantastic motivator, but if your expectations are too high, it can be easy to get discouraged. In order to avoid this possibility, create short-term, achievable goals. You should also let yourself have one or two rest days per week to avoid burnout or injury. If you find yourself really struggling to get moving, give yourself permission to do a short or light workout instead of the more vigorous activity you had planned. Some exercise is better than none, and once you get started, you might find that you’re okay to complete the rest of the routine after all. You should also be sure to listen to your body and take a break if you really need it. Exercise is about consistency, so if you miss one day, try to be kind to yourself and move on rather than let it ruin your week.

5. Celebrate All Wins

On the topic of creating goals for yourself, it’s important to celebrate even the smallest wins. It can be tempting to compare your fitness journey to others or to skip ahead and work beyond your current skill level. These lines of thought can be very frustrating and discouraging. Instead, focus on your own journey and trust that you will see progress eventually. Congratulate yourself for pushing through a difficult set of burpees. Allow yourself to feel pride and happiness over completing a jog. Treat yourself to new workout gear, cook a tasty meal, or find some other way to give yourself a pat on the back. Adopting this attitude will help you overcome one of the most powerful hurdles, which is the notion that you’re not doing a good job.

Get Started!

Now that you have some strategies in place to keep yourself moving forward, it’s time to do the hardest part: getting started! Fortunately, while this can be a challenge, you only have to do it once. Taking the leap can be scary but it will be well worth it. With some goals to help you and your friends stay motivated, you’ll have a fun, fulfilling workout routine in no time!

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