12 Signs You Need to See a Doctor

Do you just have a minor ailment or are you in need of urgent medical attention? Here are 12 signs you need to see a doctor immediately!

1. Persistent High Fever

Fevers are the body’s way of fighting infection. However, if you have been experiencing a high fever for more than 3 days in a row, it is worth consulting with a doctor to find out whether you have a more serious infection.

2. Persistent Headache

Headaches are usually caused due to minor issues such as eye strain, dehydration or lack of sleep. However, if they persist, there could be a chance that it is an early sign of meningitis, infections, traumatic brain injuries or even tumours. If you have been experiencing a pounding headache that doesn’t seem to go away, even after taking over-the-counter medication, it is advisable to pay a visit to the doctor.

3. Sudden Weight Loss or Gain

Sudden weight loss or gain can be concerning. If you are experiencing changes in your weight without altering your diet or exercise routine, then it is possible that the cause may be an overactive thyroid, diabetes, depression, liver disease or certain kinds of cancer. Make an appointment with the doctor if you have lost more than 10% of your body weight within the last 6 months or vice versa.

4. Severe Chest, Abdominal or Pelvic Pain

Random pains in the body can occur from time to time. However, abnormal, intense and sustained pain in the chest, abdomen or pelvis should never be ignored. These can indicate an underlying issue that requires medical attention at the earliest. Some examples include severe pain in the chest as a result of a heart attack, abdominal pain accompanied by nausea and vomiting as a result of gallstones, and pelvic pain that can indicate appendicitis or a kidney infection.

5. Shortness of Breath

People can experience shortness of breath due to strenuous exercise or when at high altitudes or extreme temperatures. It becomes a cause for concern though if you experience shortness of breath without an exertion whatsoever. If you begin feeling winded after everyday activities, you may want to talk to your doctor to discuss the possibilities of asthma, bronchitis or other issues.

6. Constant Lump in Throat

This is not the same as feeling a lump in your throat when you are nervous. If you feel like something is lodged in your throat and are having difficulty swallowing food, you may either have tonsillitis, strep throat or just a common cold. In some cases, the issue could be slightly more serious, such as throat and oesophagus cancer, so it is always a good idea to get a medical diagnosis.

7. Bright Flashes or Sudden Changes in Vision

People often experience bright flashes or spots in their vision when they suffer from migraines. However, if you don’t have migraines and still experience sudden bright flashes, it might be a sign of a retinal detachment. This is a serious condition which requires urgent medical attention to prevent issues like permanent vision loss.

8. Suspected Concussion

If you have had a fall and suffered a blow to the head, always check for any symptoms of a concussion, such as difficulty concentrating, lasting headaches, irritability and changes in your sleep pattern. As a rule of thumb, if you have suffered trauma to the head, always seek medical attention to ensure no serious damage has been caused.

9. Lasting Depression

Mental health is equally as important as your physical health, so if you are continually feeling depressed, it should not be ignored. As depression could be a sign of other underlying medical issues, including thyroid problems, vitamin deficiencies and chronic pain, always consult your doctor for an in-depth diagnosis and advice on what further steps need to be taken for treatment.

10. Chest Feels Tight

A tight chest is often associated with heart attacks, but it could also be signs of more serious health conditions like angina, coronary artery disease, ulcers, pancreatitis and pneumonia. Never put it off and always consult your doctor for a professional opinion.

11. Numb or Swollen Extremities

Numbness of extremities is not something that should be overlooked, especially if you are experiencing a tingly sensation along with it. This could be an indication of nerve damage as a result of a tumour, or early signs of conditions like multiple sclerosis. A doctor will be able to tell you exactly what you are experiencing, so don’t put off your medical visit.

12. Dizziness or Confusion

If you feel dizzy from time to time, don’t ignore it. Dizziness can put you at risk for a fall, which may lead to a fracture or traumatic brain injuries in the most extreme cases. In addition to this, however, dizziness can also be caused due to ear imbalances, inadequate blood flow to the brain, low oxygen levels, malnutrition, heart disease or high blood pressure.

Visit Your Doctor Today

When it comes to your health, don’t ignore the signs. If your body is telling you that it’s not okay, it is definitely worth looking into. Value your health above all and if you need medical attention, don’t be afraid to seek it out.

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